Dear Kindergarten Families, We had a great time crafting and getting to know our 1st and 2nd grade buddies during the first Primary Centers! I really appreciate all parents who were able to come and help. Thank you! Many more centers coming through the year. This week we have a special art lesson presented by […]
Dear Parents, September 22, 2014 A BIG “Thank You!” to the parents that volunteered in our classroom on Friday for Primary Centers! The students had a wonderful time! This week First Graders are learning… Language Arts: We have completed theme 1 in our reading series so we will be taking our Theme 1 Assessments on […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week you’ll notice the Everyday Mathematics Home Connection booklet in the red folder. There are 4 booklets; each has fun math activities to do at home. Check off weekly as you follow the math activities, sign and return the booklet November 24. It will be returned and another comes home. Read […]
Today for school wide centers the middle school participated in activities that focused on team work. As the students mingled into mixed grade groups they worked on building a tower out of newspapers, saving a worm, and building infrastructures from pasta shapes. The skills learned were leadership and helping the group achieve their goal.
Please encourage your student(s) to eat the foods you select for snacks and lunches and to bring home anything uneaten. Our trash containers hold many uneaten sandwiches & other entrees, unopened yogurt & fruit containers, and more. Please continue to discourage trading and sharing food, and remind your student(s) what is normal and healthy for […]
Grades 2-8 will be completing the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) at different times of the school day during the weeks of Sept 22 & 29. All academic areas are covered in this standardized test aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Schedules are in place in second grade and the intermediate & middle […]
Today, September 17th we celebrate the signing of the United States Constitution. The 8th grade class is currently studying the American Revolution and the rights and responsibilities listed in the Constitution. Today they will go to each classroom and explain the meaning of the Constitution to each grade and ask questions about our Founding Fathers […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This candid picture warms my heart and is a great example of how friendships have developed and grown in the first 23 days. Our last two weeks have focused on our family and loving hearts as we live in God’s grace. Two big events this week: Wednesday is a non-uniform dress and […]
Hello Third Grade Families! Don’t forget to send your child with a reusable water bottle (or two). This week promises to be a scorcher! In class this week, we’ll be studying the following: Math: We will continue Unit 2 with Lessons 2.2 – 2.5. Feel free to follow along with us at Your child’s […]
Today was an exciting day for fourth graders. In the morning they found themselves in new seats, most of them in different areas of the room. (I will change individual seats if needed, but hope to have everyone settled in these new spots for the next several weeks.) In the afternoon, in music class, they […]