Dear Third Grade Families, Many thanks to all the Grandparents who were able to join us Friday morning. We loved having you! In class this week, we’ll be studying the following: Math: We will wrap up Unit 1 with Lessons 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 & 1.14. The Unit 1 test will take place Wednesday. After that, […]
Dear Families, Thank you to all grandparents and special guests for coming to Grandparents Day on Friday. It was so nice to watch the interactions of family! This Wednesday is Picture Day. Please make sure your student is wearing school uniforms. Friday will be a full day of school. Below please find an overview of […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We had a great time on Friday with your students’ Grandparents! It was nice to meet all grandparents; we had an amazing turnout. As we move into this new week – don’t forget Picture Day on Wednesday. Usually kinders are among the first class to get their picture taken…remember wear their uniforms, […]
Kinders began the scientific process….they thought about how worms would react in a jar built with layers of soil. They drew their thoughts. After observing the worms, they layered soil, sand and peat into a jar with a water bottle buffer zone to deposit the worms. If all goes as planned the worms will find […]
Hello Second Grade Families! I had such a great time watching your children interact with their grandparents and special guests. We spent our time with a little dancing, interviews and games. Thank you to all the grandparents and special friends who came to spend some time with your child. On Wednesday, September 11th , will […]
OOPS…the last posting, entitled The Week Ahead, was directed to fourth graders only…sorry for any confusion. Mrs. Dwyer
Such a gorgeous weekend! I feel so blessed to be back living in Ventura! We had a wonderful turnout on Grandparents Day last Friday! Thank you to all who joined us! Looking ahead to the week: Picture Day is this Wednesday. Please fill out the order form and send it in with your child by […]
Dear Parents, September 8, 2014 I hope all enjoyed their weekend! This letter is a long one (sorry!) but please read all of it as there is a lot of important information all the way through. In language arts this week, we will work on the consonants […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Lots of fun with Grandparents today! Your students sure enjoyed having their grandparents come to school. 🙂 The dice game was a big hit … I’ll add that for extra fun this week. Read nightly – list books or chapters read on the reading /web log link below. Use the “Book Nook” […]
Dear Third Grade Families, Friday is Grandparents’ Day! I look forward to sharing the morning with many grandmothers and granddads. Grandparents are to meet us in the Church for 8:30 mass. In class this week, we’ll be studying the following: Math: Unit 1 Lessons 1.9-1.12. We continue to review key content. Feel free to follow […]