Dear Second Grade Families, I hope you enjoyed this three-day weekend with your family. We have a great week filled with new activities added to our daily routine and some fun on Friday. I am looking forward to meeting grandparents or special guests this Friday. Grandparents or special guests may meet our second graders in […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! This Friday is Grandparents Day. Friday is also a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Religion: Chapter 2: Jesus calls us to worship. Math: Our focus this week will be to introduce squaring numbers, factor strings and prime factorization. IXL sections are K.1 […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the Labor Day weekend! This week will be exciting as we prepare for Grandparent’s Day on Friday. If your child’s grandparent(s) live far away or cannot be present… family friends or parents can certainly fill in. It is important for kinders to have someone present for them on […]
Words cannot possibly express how pleased I am to be back at Sacred Heart School! I am very much looking forward to getting to know all of the fourth graders and their families. This week we will begin a new Vocabulary Unit (unit 2) and a new Spelling Unit. Due to the short week and […]
Dear Parents, September 2, 2014 I hope that you enjoyed the wonderful Labor Day weekend! This week in language arts we kick off our first theme! We will work on the consonants m, s, c, t, and the short sound of /a/. We will also begin […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, As we move into this 3-day weekend, homework will be shortened. Although, reading is always a component of our weekly homework. The importance it has on your child’s success is too great! Below you will find a link to download the reading/web log. Notice the home link letter from Everyday Math – […]
With all grade levels using reading logs as a daily homework assignment, school families may be searching for books for their student(s). Adult family members are always welcome to use our well-stocked library to increase the available reading material. Mrs. Salomon will add family information to our recordkeeping system on the first visit, and then […]
Grandparents & Other Special Friends Day, Friday, September 5 Mass, Reception & Classroom Visits We look forward to sharing the morning with many welcome guests! We invite all to join us at the 8:30 Mass. Please wait at church for the classes to arrive and the teachers will assist in getting family & friends together. […]
In a constant effort to maintain safety, we encourage all to enter, move through, and exit the parking lot slowly. Those selecting the car line, add to safety & efficiency by moving as far forward as possible before stopping to allow students(s) to exit or enter the car. Arriving students have three corridors to the […]
We are happy to announce that Mrs Mary Dwyer returns to Sacred Heart School to teach fourth grade! Mrs Dwyer is a teacher of exceptional talent and dedication, and after several years of traveling with her husband for business, she and her husband return to their home in Ventura. Mrs. Dwyer taught 5-8th grade students […]