We look forward to seeing the adult members of each family at 6:30p tonight. Originally we planned to start in Biedermann Hall but we will begin instead on the school patio behind the office. Following a quick general introduction, family members will have time to meet with the classroom teachers for information specific to each […]
PTC Back to School Potluck 5:30p If your schedule allows, we look forward to seeing your family at our Annual PTC Back to School Potluck on our school patio & field. Food will be set up on the tables at the lunch area and we encourage you to bring play equipment you are willing to […]
Dear Third Grade Families, I can’t believe we’re already beginning our first full week of school! This week we will begin with our first homework assignments, slowly building each week until we reach full speed. We will start with Spelling Unit #1. Every week I will attach a list of spelling words right here along […]
Family members of students returning to Sacred Heart School after attending during the last school year, this message is for you! Please take a moment to go to the hot lunch ordering site and move your student(s) to their current grade. This helps us to serve the hot lunch efficiently and correctly. Thank you!
Dear Families, Welcome to 5th grade! This week is our first full week of school. We have a busy week ahead of us. This Wednesday is Back to School night at 6:30. I hope to see all of you there. PE instruction begins this Thursday for 5th grade. In 5th grade we have PE once […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Welcome Back to School! We had a great start last week going over classroom expectations. This week we have many exciting academic adventures. We will be visiting many familiar rooms on our campus such as the computer lab, science lab & library but with second grade eyes. The children are […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, We are off to a great start! Enjoy a few snapshots of our first three days: Please join us for Back to School Night on Wednesday evening at 6:30! – This is an important meeting for parents or guardians. Academics and Common Core standards, School-wide Learning Expectations, homework, service hours, field trips, […]
We will start our first day of school with an assembly that we invite all family members to attend. As the first bell rings, students will enter their classrooms and then quickly return to the patio to begin the assembly at 8a. We hope to see you there!
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I am happy to welcome your student to our school! I want to thank the families that were able to attend orientation today. Your children came ready to learn. We had fun finding our seats, listening to directions, printing our names, graphing our favorite ice cream, and of course visiting […]
Macy’s Annual “Shop For A Cause” Fundraiser and Shopping Day is Saturday, August 23rd. Purchase a $5 Shopping Pass for exclusive savings at any Macy’ store and Sacred Heart School keeps 100% of the Shopping Pass proceeds. PLUS school families receive the entire $5.00 credit towards their scrip obligation for each pass purchased! There is […]