Dear Second Grade Parents, We only have 5 days left before we begin our summer vacation! We had many special moments from their last Saint’s Parade, last primary centers, going on our field trips, learning about each other and receiving our two Sacraments. I am blessed to have such a wonderful class and thank you […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, We made it! Summer vacation is nearly here! There will be many special events taking place as this is the last week of school. Below you will find a short outline: Monday: Field Day! Students should wear their family’s team color. (These were listed in last week’s family newsletter.) Wednesday: We […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Amazing how time flies by when your having fun! What a great year we have had. 🙂 Thank you for your children, they have all done a fantastic job learning and making friends this year. I appreciate all our families for the extra time and things you did to make our year […]
Dear Parents, June 8, 2014 The last week of school! I can hardly believe the year is just about over. I had a wonderful time with your children. They are very special and I enjoyed every day of school. I would also like to thank you for your continued support throughout the year. It […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras fringilla sodales massa ut ultricies. Praesent consequat velit id sapien efficitur varius. Aliquam eleifend, odio ultricies tincidunt commodo, diam augue euismod dolor, eget mattis enim metus blandit justo. Cras suscipit consequat hendrerit. Nunc malesuada, lectus sed condimentum venenatis, nisi eros egestas eros, gravida molestie lacus neque […]
The 6th grade has been studying the Roman Empire and we are finishing with Emperor Glogs. The Glogs are online posters where information, pictures, and videos are uploaded and then shared with the class. The class is learning about different accomplishments and failures that occurred under each emperor. We will spend time next week at […]
Service Hours/Scrip Records were sent in the Family Envelope or via the USPS last week. If your family exceeded the $350 scrip “profit” amount, there are several options available for your rebate amount. Please return your completed form indicating your rebate preference by Friday. If your family did not meet the required scrip amount of […]
The 8th Grade is preparing for the annual Field Day that begins their graduation week as various stations are set up for all “school families” to enjoy. This year the 8th Grade would like the families to sport particular colors to add to the fun. Please check the list below to be sure your student(s) […]
So many school families enjoyed viewing the Year End Show at last week’s Pizza/Slide Show, and Thursday afternoon, students & staff enjoyed the 30-minute show happily! The show is available for purchase on disc for $10. Please contact or if you would like a copy of this year’s show. Our thanks to Sara […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Wow! I cannot believe that we only have two weeks left of school. We will continue working hard until the last days of school so the children will be prepared for Third Grade. This week we have free dress day on Wednesday because of our fundraising for the jog-a-thon. We will […]