Dear Kindergarten Parents, Last week’s Wonder, Draw and Tell worksheets are beautiful! I am enjoying the drawings and great sentences. 🙂 This week’s required work: As always read nightly and record on log. Reading Web/Log Everyday Math worksheet websites: Please review ixl I.9 and work on J.8 – the practice in ixl is has shown […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, May is the month to honor Mary. We will pray with our class rosaries this week and discuss some apparitions of Mary. Continued review of chapter 21, Jesus’ love shines through us. Academics continued: ELA – short vowels -especially /e/ and a look at long vowels. Sentence structure, punctuation, letter formation especially […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, It’s field trip time! This Wednesday we will be going to the Chumash Indian Museum. Please make sure to arrive at school on time with a sack lunch and drink with your child’s name clearly written on them. Students should wear their regular school uniforms with comfortable shoes as there will […]
Dear Second Grade Families, First Holy Communion was wonderful. Thank you for all your help in getting your child ready for this beautiful occasion. A special thank you to Father John! Also to Father Bill, who arranged the music. Thank you to everyone who helped make this celebration extra special. JOG-A-THON is on Friday, May […]
Dear Families, The fifth grade is very excited for our Jog-A-Thon this Friday. Please make sure to return the white permission slip envelopes. I look forward to everyone’s participation on Friday! Friday will be a noon dismissal. Tomorrow Progress Reports go home. Please sign and return to me by May 12th. Below is an overview […]
Dear Parents, May 5, 2014 The students did a fantastic job during the May Crowning. It was beautiful and many teachers told me that it brought tears to their eyes! We have concluded theme 9 and are moving right into our last theme- Theme 10! […]
With Spirit Signs displayed on the fence surrounding our court, students will take to the field in groups beginning around 9:30a: Kindergarten & 1st, Second & Third, 4th & 5th grade, and Middle School with that final group beginning their 30-minute walk/jog about 11a. The 8th grade students have other activities for those in Kindergarten […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Required homework: 1. Read for a minimum of 15 minutes each night and list books or chapters on reading log. This log should have at least 5 entries. 2. Cinco de Mayo worksheet 3. Wonder, Draw and Tell writing paper. Your child should think about the picture, draw what they think and […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Our special day is just around the corner (Saturday, May 3rd). We have a busy week ahead of us with academics and preparation for our First Communion. We will be practicing in church everyday except Friday. I hope you all have a blessed week. Reminders for First Communion: The envelope for […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful break. We have a busy week ahead of us. This Friday is a full day with a 2:45 dismissal. The Speech Contest will take place in May. By the week of May 5th, students are to commit to memory a published poem selection with a minimum of […]