Please complete and return the tickets enclosed in the 3/35 Family Envelope, and remember that more tickets are available in the office or by contacting so tickets can be sent to you. Be sure to write the number of the items(s) on the reverse of your ticket(s). Participating in the Running Raffle best assists […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, Trimester 2 Report Cards go home Tuesday. Look for them in your child’s work folder. Please remember to sign & return the envelope so that it may be used for the final Report Card in June. This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: The class will continue Unit 7 (Multiplication […]
Dearest Second Grade Families, It was such a blessing to see everyone at Reconciliation. I hope you cherished the moment as I did with your children. I am truly blessed to have such a great group of kids. We are preparing for our First Communion. Look out for a letter on Wednesday regarding Frequently Asked […]
Dear Families, The fifth grade class will be very busy this week. This Friday is a full day.We continue to participate is Stations of the Cross every week. Below is an overview of our week. Religion: We will name the ways that Masses vary according to the Church year and the purpose of the Mass. […]
The 7th grade is studying the Italian Renaissance in history class. We began our journey with a field trip to the Getty Center and now in class we are studying the famous artists from the time. We have learned many different art terms and techniques and researched the various artists. The students used clay in […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Congratulations to our five finalists in the Palmisano writing contest. I am proud of all our K students as they work hard on their printing, illustrating and writing each day. Thank you goes out to parents who helped in our class (and prep at home) for Primary Centers. We had another great […]
Dear Parents, March 24, 2014 Our reading strategy this week is “evaluating”. The comprehension skill that will help us in evaluating is topic, main idea, details, and summarizing. After reading a selection, being able to identify the topic of the selection, the main ideas and the […]
Enclosed in the 3/25 Family Envelope is the most current information concerning each family’s standing with the $530 portion of tuition which is provided by 18 hours of service valued at $10 per hour and $350 in scrip “profit” during this school year. The scrip & service hours’ recordkeeping for the 2013-2014 school year closes […]
The middle school completed another round of collaborative group projects this week. Mrs. Clemmensen’s group researched different explorers from the last 500 years and then created a Weebly website. The groups worked very hard designing their websites from the point of view of the explorer. The sites contain maps of their expeditions, pictures, timelines, and […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Required homework for this week: ELA — Each night follow the three “B’s” bath, book, and bed! List books or chapters read on the reading/web log. Below you will find writing worksheets “Wonder, Draw Tell” -your child needs to choose one or do both for extra practice. Reading beyond the 20 minutes […]