In November, The Palmisano Family hosts an annual basketball clinic to raise funds for The Joseph Palmisano Memorial Scholarship Fund. Joseph Palmisano, husband, father, teacher & coach, was a longtime member of Sacred Heart Church. His family honors him now by funding a tuition scholarship program in his name to assist Sacred Heart School families. […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, The School Fair solar system projects were out of this world! What a pleasure it was so see everyone admiring your hard work last Wednesday. You have really outdone yourselves. This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: The class will continue with Unit 6 (Geometry) covering lessons 6.10, 6.11 and […]
Dear Second Grade Families, It was great to see many of you at the School Fair. The students did a great job on their Flat Person presentation boards. They will be going home today with their grade on the back of their board. This will count towards their Social Studies participation. We will begin our […]
Dear Families, It was wonderful to see everyone at the School Fair. I was very proud of all the students. They did a wonderful job on their projects. This Wednesday we will be going to Mass for Ash Wednesday. Please join us if your schedule allows. This month we celebrate Read Across America! This Friday […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, ‘Lent is Good’ a time to grow, pray and do good deeds. Our focus: three ways we can grow spiritually. We will attend Mass at 8:30 on Wednesday for our ashes. Please join us if you schedule permits. Saint Joseph is our saint of the month. We will learn about him as […]
Dear Parents, March 3, 2014 Our reading strategy this week is “monitor and clarify”. Stopping to reread especially if there are words we have difficulty reading and making sure the sentence and the story make sense to us are strategies that good readers use. The comprehension […]
The staff plans an interesting day for all on this special day dedicated to the gift of reading! Many staff members will be representing books and characters in a fun way…
Our annual writing competition in each class is coming to a close! This year each student writes in response to the prompt that comes from this year’s Catholic Schools Week theme: Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service viewed through the words of Pope Francis: “D_e_a_r_ _y_o_u_n_g_ _p_e_o_p_l_e_,_ _d_o_ _n_o_t_ _b_u_r_y_ _y_o_u_r_ _t_a_l_e_n_t_s_,_ _t_h_e_ […]
Every Friday during Lent a different parish ministry sponsors Lenten Soup for the benefit of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society; Friday, March 7 our school is that sponsor. Please make donations of your time and/or talent as requested in the flyer sent in the 2/24 Family Envelope. During Lent, Stations of the Cross are […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, As we move along in the second trimester your continued homework support is apparent in your child’s daily classwork. Great things happening! Required homework for this coming week: Read nightly for 15-20 minutes and record on log. Read a non-fiction book and respond on form linked below. Reading / Web Log Non-fiction […]