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4 Worlds of Ancient Egypt

6th Grade By January 22, 2014 No Comments

The 6th grade is in the process of studying Ancient Egypt. The class is compiling a list of factors for the political,  economic, social, and cultural worlds based on the textbook, studyguides, BP videos, and other resources. At the end of the chapter each student will identify the factors of daily life and infrastructure of […]


weekly newsletter 1/21

3rd Grade By January 21, 2014 No Comments

Dearest Third Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend. I look forward to seeing so many of you this Friday for Parent’s Day!  Progress Reports went home today. Remember to sign and return these by Friday as well. This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: This week the class will continue Unit […]


January 20, 2014

5th Grade By January 21, 2014 No Comments

Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the three day weekend.  On Tuesday Progress Reports will be going home.  This Friday is the start of Catholic Schools’ Week.  Friday is Parents Day and a noon dismissal.  I hope everyone can join us for Parents Day.  Below is an overview of our week. Math:  We will be […]


January 21

Kindergarten By January 20, 2014 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Your children did an excellent job reciting the poem, ‘What Can I Give Him?’ during the school assembly last Thursday. I was very proud of them! We had a great time on Friday during Primary Centers. Thanks to all who were able to come in to help with our cardinal craft! I […]


First Grade Newsletter!

1st Grade By January 20, 2014 No Comments

Dear Parents,              January 21, 2014 Thank you to those who were able to help in Primary Centers.  The children (and me) enjoy seeing you in our classroom and truly appreciate the help.  I hope that everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend! We have a busy week ahead of us! Tuesday […]


Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service

6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade By January 17, 2014 No Comments

The Middle school centers kicked off our Catholic school activities on Friday with a variety of activities. Students wrote poems about their faith, painted posters for classrooms, and participated in a scavenger hunt to identify objects and actions that make our school Catholic. Some of the items they found were pictures of saints, bibles, the […]



Kindergarten By January 17, 2014 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, A Martin Luther King, Jr. booklet is coming home to read for homework. Note it is listed on the reading log. This being a 3-day weekend homework is to read for about 20 minutes each day and find items for the 100 day activity. Reading / Web Log Next Wednesday is the […]


Lamb of God

8th Grade, Faith By January 16, 2014 No Comments

This is the second Sunday of Ordinary Time and the Gospel focuses on the testimony of John the Baptist. He tells us that Jesus is the “Lamb of God” and his message is for us to follow Jesus. The 8th grade class discussion centered on giving testimonies about our faith and the role of the […]


Spelling Bee Winner!

Events By January 15, 2014 No Comments

Last Friday, our Spelling Bee lasted most of the afternoon with our winner, 7th grader Gisele, surviving the final tumultuous rounds to win. Gisele wins our school bee for the second year in a row! Madeline, another 7th grader, proved a worthy opponent as she battled Gisele through several final rounds. Gisele will begin her […]
