Our lab today on water movement was simple, yet exciting. Your students simulated how water from rain and snow flows down mountain regions to the rivers and lakes. Enjoy this clip Click on: Waterflow worksheet response
Week of January 9-13, 2012 We have started our second week of 2014! I can’t believe how fast this school year has gone. On Friday, I sent out permission slips that are due this Friday. Our field trip will be on Tuesday, January 21st. Monday is a holiday so please mark your calendar for a […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful weekend. This is a busy week for the 5th grade class. This Wednesday is Free Dress for a $1.00 donation. This Friday is a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Math: 3 Acc math assignments are due by Friday. For IXL this week students […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, The School Fair is just over a month away (February 26th). Please look inside your child’s Work Folder this Tuesday for directions on the 3rd grade projects. This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: This week the class will continue Unit 5 (Place Value) covering lessons 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Amazingly, we are almost in the middle of January! This Thursday we have an assembly at 11:00. Kindergarten students will put on a simple performance reciting Christina Rossetti’s poem, What Can I Give Him. If your schedule permits, please come see us! Free dress on Wednesday – cost $1.00 for our mission […]
Dear Parents, January 13, 2014 Our reading strategy this week is summarizing and the comprehension skill that will help us with that strategy is making generalizations. Paying attention to the beginning, middle, and end of the story will help us with summarizing and paying attention to the details […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework comes home today please return next Thursday. Sight word envelopes will not come home this week. I would like parents to review the previous and current list your child is practicing with the word list linked below. The New Year has us assessing phonics/reading and sight words testing will come next […]
Families of third, fourth, and fifth grade students, I am very excited about the progress our students have made as a result of this year’s implementation of English Language Arts groups. It is satisfying to know each student is working at a level where he or she can best achieve and move forward. A great […]
The 7th grade is studying Ancient Japan and the geography of the Islands. We are discussing the pros and cons of living on an island. Today in class the students learned how to make cherry blossom origami and created a beautiful cherry tree on the bulletin board.
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