Dear Kindergarten Families, We did well in March as we Read Across America. Continue to read nightly, practice poems, and sight words. Included for next week’s homework: Reading / Web Log and three worksheets. Practice printing sentences, 4 seasons cut and paste, and math practice using tens frames. Websites reflect alternate ways to practice concepts […]
The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes have begun the Family Life Series in religion class. The focus for all three grades is how to know themselves better and to improve communication skills. The discussions in class focus on using the Catholic virtues to help make good decisions. Another topic we are covering is for […]
Mother’s Day is soon approaching, so why not let our School Store make it easier to get that perfect gift to brighten your special someone’s day! Beginning Tuesday, April 16, we are selling beautiful flower bouquets for $5 each. Order forms will be available in the School Store, and we will accept your flower orders […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a peaceful and reflective holiday. Fifth grade is jumping right back in! This Friday is a full day . We will be having Families in the afternoon. On Friday In-n-Out will be here. Every night your child should be reviewing their Social Studies and Science […]
Dear Third Grade Families, Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful week off of school with time to spend among friends and family. As a reminder, this Friday we will have the In-N-Out truck here for lunch. Yum! Math: We continue with measurement, moving on from measuring time to measuring metric units of mass […]
The scrip & service hours’ recordkeeping for the 2012-2013 school year closes on May 31st with any balances due collected shortly after. Statements were delivered before spring break and we encourage active effort to purchase scrip and complete service hours to eliminate or minimize payments for this portion of tuition. Double dipping is an option […]
Please join us for In-N-Out Lunch on Friday! The trailer will arrive mid-morning and the crew will quickly begin preparing our lunch. When they signal they are ready, we will begin serving lunch to our lower grade students and work our way up to 8th grade. Guest tickets will be available at a table located […]
I hope everyone had a nice Easter vacation! This week in grade 4: Math: algebra and operations are continued Spelling: Unit 31 English: We begin the study of pronouns. Social Studies: Week 22, “The Pony Express and Telegraph” A reminder that the list 7 vocabulary test will be given on Thursday, April 18th. Religion: The […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We are back! Hope everyone had a blessed Easter and a great week off spending time with family and friends. We have many things to do as we memorize poems and prepare ourselves for First Reconciliation. Homework: Reading Log, Fluency, Study spelling words for unit 27 on Spelling City and practice […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we are in April! I hope all enjoyed a blessed Easter Sunday and the week that followed. This week we will reflect on the Easter candle, a symbol of Jesus being raised to new life. Bringing us to reflect again on forgiveness, connection to His love with joy and hope. Our […]