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Soil Samples

Kindergarten By January 17, 2013 No Comments

We had a look at 3 types of soil in the lab on Tuesday. Your students experimented with sand, clay and topsoil for absorption and drainage. Using our senses we observed with lenses and used our hands to feel and record different types of soil. Then we used beakers topped with secured coffee filters, added […]


Ancient Egypt Obelisks

6th Grade By January 15, 2013 No Comments

The sixth grade is studying Ancient Egypt which is always a class favorite. Today we learned about a female ruler or pharaoh named Hatshepsut who ruled Egypt in 1473 B.C.E. One of her achievements was the building of obelisks. These obelisks were placed at the temple of the sun god Amon-Ra at Karnak. The purpose […]


January 14, 2013

5th Grade By January 14, 2013 No Comments

Dear Fifth Grade Families, This Wednesday is free dress for a $1.00.  Friday is school centers and a noon dismissal for a staff meeting.  We are almost half way through the school year!  As a class we have already raised $27.07 towards our goal of $80.00 for Blessings in a Backpack! Every night your child […]


January 14

Kindergarten By January 14, 2013 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week begins with a new family joining our school community.  We are welcoming Megan to our class and her brother to second grade! Wednesday – free dress for our mission efforts – Please send in $1.00 donation. Friday marks 100 days of school and Primary Centers we will dismiss school at […]


100 days in 2nd Grade

2nd Grade By January 14, 2013 No Comments

Dear Second Grade Families, Our second grade class will begin our Monday morning greeting our new student, Ryan.  We are excited to welcome Ryan to our second grade family.  YAY!  We will start off our week counting up to our 100th day of school, which will be on January 18th.   We will also be doing […]


Fourth Grade Week of Jan. 14th

4th Grade By January 13, 2013 No Comments

This week in fourth grade 🙂 Math:  We continue learning more about fractions and do some review before the chapter 5 math TEST scheduled for Wednesday, January 23rd. Science:  Students are having fun learning about the rocks and minerals that make up Earth’s crust.  This week in science lab they will be using their hand […]


Calendar Change for Feb 15!

From the Principal By January 13, 2013 No Comments

The plans for each school year are established in late winter for the following school year and we originally set Friday, February 15 as a noon dismissal.   An excellent full day opportunity for staff training recently emerged and requires NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15. Each year, our students in grades 2-8 take […]


First Grade News!

1st Grade By January 13, 2013 No Comments

Dear Parents,                January 14, 2013 Our reading strategy this week is summarizing and the comprehension skill that will help us with that strategy is making generalizations.  Paying attention to the beginning, middle, and end of the story will help us with summarizing and paying attention to the details […]


Blessings in a Backpack

5th Grade By January 11, 2013 No Comments

In the fifth grade class we have a change jar where we are collecting change for Blessingsinabackpack.org   This is an organization that provides food for needy children.  Our goal in our classroom is to raise $80.00 by change alone.  I am hoping to demonstrate that small change can make a huge difference in a child’s […]
