3rd Grade- Students are learning the language of music by studying western music notation. This includes whole notes, half notes, quarter notes and eighth notes. Students are also creating their very own rhythms using their recently discovered understanding of rhythmic values. 4th Grade-Students are already deep into learning the soprano recorder. They are achieving success […]
Kindergarten—Students are learning to sing in a group as they sing Yes, Jesus Love Me & This Little Light of Mine. 1st Grade- Students are learning to sing in a group setting as they memorize songs like De Colores. 2nd Grade-Students are learning to sight sing using solfege syllables. Solfege is the system of syllables […]
The changes to the website are complete and we are ready to have you take a look at the daily choice of entree, salad, sandwich, and peanut butter & jelly sandwich offered for the month of November by TDT Catering. Every month the new menu will be posted. Please remember TDT Catering will be closed […]
Mrs. Brown & Ms Carney accompanied me to the second of four meetings to complete the accreditation process for schools scheduled for a 2014 visit. We submitted drafts for three sections (School Profile, Use of Prior Accreditation Findings, and Organization for Student Learning to Support High Achievement of All Students) and await the written evaluation. […]
Held at the Saint Bonaventure High School Gym on Saturday, November 10 from 9-11:30a, this clinic focuses on basketball fundamentals and is a great start to the season for players in grades 3-9. With an entry fee of $20 per player, and discounted fees for families with two or more athletes, all proceeds from the […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework: Reading Log, two worksheets, a booklet, sight words and websites for interactive learning. Read science booklet on Plants with your child answer questions and finish back cover. As we wrap up our unit on living things, a science worksheet is included in this homework packet. It will help your children finish […]
This week during our reflection on the Gospel, 8th grade realized the necessity of service to others at all times. The Gospel explains that to follow our Lord we must put others before ourselves. This ties in perfectly with our Catholic saints as we begin saint projects in the middle school. Both 7th and 8th […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I am happy to see many of your little “saints” have a Saint to portray for our annual Saint’s Parade. If you have not yet decided, please do so by Monday, October 22. Wednesday is a free dress for your students. Please send in $1.00 if your student chooses to participate. All […]
Dear Third Grade Families, Wednesday is another Free Dress Day. Please remember to bring $1 if your child plans to participate. All money collected will go directly to the Adopt-a-Family program. Friday is a full day with Families in the afternoon. We will be observing Celebrate Writing Day – a national day of writing! Math: […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, This Wednesday is Free Dress for a donation of $1.00. This Friday is a full day schedule. Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform on Thursday. Every night your child should be reviewing their Social Studies and Science notes. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions […]