The last day for our EDC will be Thursday, June 21 as we close by 6p. The billing for June will be mailed the week of June 25. We appreciate your prompt payment as our accounting for the 2011-2012 school year closes on June 30. Thank you!
On Wednesday the 8th grade class had an awesome experience at the Ventura Courthouse. The students were able to sit in on discussions in traffic court and preliminary hearing court. The judges also answered questions from the students. Next a bailiff explained his job and all the tools on his belt. Lastly, we were able […]
Please forgive my delay in getting our weekly update on the web. I am sending a large group of papers home today with the students. You will find a lot of review work reinforcing what has been taught this school year. You will also find a variety of reading comprehension work and artwork. There is […]
Dear Third Grade Families, Can you believe that we’re already in June?! Only a few more action packed weeks to go. Just this Thursday afternoon we will be enjoying the end-of-year slide show in the Hall. Don’t forget that Friday is a noon dismissal day, too. In math we will continue our practice of double […]
Week of June 4-8, 2012 Dear Second Grade Families, It’s June and we are still working hard. This week we will enjoy a slide show of the 2011-2012 school year and have the last primary centers of the year. It has been fun. In the Classroom: STUDENT OF THE WEEK… 🙂 🙂 :)Sierra:) 🙂 🙂 […]
Dear Families, Today our class went on our field trip to Food Share. It was a wonderful time. We donated 145 pounds of food! I was very proud of our students. Friday is a noon dismissal. Water sales continue every Tuesday and Thursday for $1:00. Below is an overview for our week: Voc: Unit 16 […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Last week your children learned about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit being the Spirit of Love. This week our faith focus is Jesus our source of joy. We will discover how the Spirit of Joy can fill our hearts with love and bring everlasting joy. Language Arts- short vowel /u/ and reviewing […]
Dear Parents, June 4, 2012 Can you believe it is June already?! The time is flying by and before you know it, we will be on summer break! We are continuing on with our review of […]
The third annual middle school dance, with a local DJ providing music, will be held on Wednesday, June 20 from 5:30-8p in Biedermann Hall rather than the previously scheduled date of Friday, June 15 due to a scheduling conflict in Biedermann Hall. A large majority of middle school students need to attend the dance in […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I enjoy the illustrated book reports, they are great! Another one this week. It is important for your children to be the routine of reading as well as recording what they read. Please remember homework is due each week, preferably on Thursday. Included in your child’s red homework folder is a phonics […]