Dear Families, On June 4th we will be going to Ventura County’s Food Share. We will be collecting food to take with us to our field trip. I am asking that every student bring at least one item to donate. This Wednesday is Free Dress with a sports theme (no donation collected). This Friday there […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy Monday! Today we are off on our field trip to Underwood Farms. Our class will attend the animal show, take a wagon ride, and pick produce in the field. Should be fun and a good review of Social Studies: farm products to market; Science: growth and needs of plants and animals. […]
Dear Parents, May 20, 2012 We are wrapping up Theme 10 with week 3! Our reading strategy this week is monitor/clarify. Part of becoming a good reader is realizing that if the story we are reading is unclear we must stop and […]
This is the 7th Sunday in the Easter Season. The Gospel for Sunday shows us Jesus’s concern and love for his Disciples as he prepares to leave them to be with God. The timing of this Gospel is perfect for the 8th grade as they prepare to leave SHS and begin high school. To prepare […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week I am sending two math papers, one phonics paper, and a book report form for homework. Have your child read a book of their choice for the book report. The book report form and the reading / web log are below to print. Reading/Web Log Book Report Form Websites: Web […]
At last month’s Parent Meeting, the Kindle Fire was named the tablet to be included on the Middle School Supply List for 2012-2013. The teachers are studying and selecting ways to include tablets as one of the tools used by our students during middle school. We encourage the use of scrip for this purchase, and […]
Dear Third Grade Families, This week we will begin collecting canned goods and other non-perishable food items for our local Food Share pantry. Fifth grade will be hand delivering these the first Monday in June and we’d like to share as much as possible. My hope is that every student in our class will donate […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Thank you for the beautiful flowers and cards. They made pretty bouquets and we feel very appreciated. We hope all our mom’s had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Wednesday will be Free dress for one dollar with the money going to charity. There will also be May crowning of Blessed Virgin Mary […]
Dear Families, On June 4th we will be going to Ventura County’s Food Share. We will be collecting food to take with us to our field trip. I am asking that every student bring at least one item to donate. This Wednesday is Free Dress for a donation of $1.00. Friday is a full day […]
This week we will complete our geometry unit. I am encouraging the students to take their books home daily to review the terms and concepts learned. The test for this unit will be next Tuesday, May 22nd. The students have been working together to perform a variety of readers theatre presentations. We are working on […]