Last week our middle school students held department meetings. During these meetings our three departments were able to successfully finish all posters and Mass petitions and were able to think of some really excellent activity ideas for families. We are looking forward to all of the upcoming events such as pumpkin sales (delivered on the […]
With a growing number of students with allergies and/or other issues related to food, at the recent Parent Meeting, I discussed a continuing concern about food brought to school to share with class members. We have emphasized “healthy treats” to celebrate birthdays in the primary grades, but even those can cause a health risk to […]
Extended Day Care is available to all families on any school day with an hourly rate billed monthly. There are families using EDC every day, some for almost every hour that it is open, and we would like to offer a set monthly fee for promised daily use. The set monthly fee will include a […]
Dear Parents, October 3, 2011 Our reading strategy this week is “monitor and clarify”. If we have difficulty understanding the story as we read, we stop and go back to reread the sections that were confusing. We also use key words or the pictures to help the story become clear to us. Our comprehension skill […]
This Sunday is the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The parable told by Jesus in this weeks Gospel is hard to understand. After much discussion and interpretation, the 8th graders realized that the vineyard represents the earth and that the vineyard owner’s son is Jesus. They reflected on 3 ways they can be good stewards […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Amazing, it is the last week of September! A month of school days has almost past, and all are adjusting well to our weekly routine. We will go to the library on Tuesday mornings. Next month, we start checking out one book per week. Last Wednesday we had the privilege of touring […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We are entering our second and last week of ITBS testing. We are trying to spread them out so as not to be so overwhelming. The second graders are doing their best in all the areas of this task. Continue with your support. Again may we remind you to help your […]
Dear Families, Thank you all who were able to make it to Parent Night last Wednesday. We continue with our testing this week. The students are doing a great job and are working very hard. Again this week our academic load will be lighter as our main focus is testing. We look forward to this […]
Fourth graders are having fun exploring their new Bibles. This week they are working in pairs to find particular Bible verses. They are reading Luke 2:1-7, I Samuel 17:23-54, Acts 2:1-4, and Exodus 3:14. Ask your children what they have read and learned from their readings. My goal is for each student to become comfortable […]
Dear third grade families, This week we will continue with ITBS testing. As always, please make sure that your child is well rested and at school on time every morning, as we will begin testing promptly at 8:00 and continue up until recess. In third grade, students also take the CogAT test to assess students’ […]