Dear Parents, September 26, 2011 I would like to thank the parents that were able to make it to Wednesday’s Parent Meeting. I hope that you found it informative. We have completed theme 1 in our reading series. We start theme 2 – “Surprise!” this week. We will be reading stories that have a surprise […]
Since the weeks seem to fly by, let me share information about the Saint’s Parade and costumes for your kindergartner. November 4 is our annual Saint’s Parade. We attend Mass at 8:30 in our Saint’s costumes and follow with a parade on the campus field. This is a beautiful and memorable day; you will not […]
We are beginning our second week of ITBS testing and it is going very well. I anticipate finishing on Wednesday. This week we continue our unit on ecosystems and will begin discussing the interactions of living things. The students have been given their chapter 2 science vocabulary packets. You will find this in the homework […]
8th grade needs to find an historical fiction book. 7th grade needs to find a nonfiction book. 6th grade need to find a Newberry Award winning book. All titles need to be approved by a parent and Mrs. Gaither by September 30,2011. Each class has been given a handout on the specific requirements for their […]
This Sunday is the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Gospel readings continue from Matthew and this week focuses on obeying God’s will. The class discussed how hard it is to obey their parents, teachers, and coaches everyday. We realized that it is very hard for all of us to obey rules and listen to […]
Dear Second Grade Families, As we enter the sixth week of school, we are continuing to work on first-time listening, class room manners, and respect for others. Encourage your child to pay attention to these endeavors. This is another full 5-day week with a full day on Friday. Students will enjoy a family activity on […]
Dear Families, We begin our ITBS testing this week. The testing will last for two weeks. We will start testing Tuesday morning. Please make sure your child is well rested and has had a good breakfast before school. Our academic routine will be lighter these next two weeks as we will be focusing on ITBS […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Your children enjoyed sharing their “Me Cube” we have them hanging in class. They are proud of their family pictures/drawings, their favorites –especially foods, (which was pizza and ice cream for most every student!) I have enjoyed reading the origin, meaning, and why you choose their name. Stories Are Good, the third […]
Dear Third Grade Families, This Tuesday will mark the beginning of ITBS Testing. We will test every morning for the duration of this week and next, ending our testing next Thursday. Please make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep, has a healthy breakfast and arrives to school on time every morning. As always, […]
This week we begin ITBS testing. I will test in the morning and spread the testing over the next two week period. It is especially important that you make sure your children are well rested and have had a hearty breakfast before they arrive at school We will continue our academic routine as best we […]