August 17, 2011 Dear Families, I warmly welcome you all to fourth grade. It is not only your children who experience the excitement of their one and only fourth grade year, but you as well. We will work together as a team to make sure your child has a great year. I am excited to […]
Welcome back 6th graders! I hope you and your families enjoyed a wonderful summer. I am so excited to see all of you on Wednesday morning. We are going to explore many fascinating ancient civilizations and the Old Testament during our year together. Please bring your supplies and new Bibles on the first day. We […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I wish to thank all of you for choosing our school. Your students will have a great educational experience here. It was nice to see that many of you were in town and able to join us for orientation on Wednesday. I enjoyed visiting with your children again! They were polite, inquisitive […]
Macy’s Annual “Shop For A Cause” Fundraiser and Shopping Day is Saturday, August 27th. Purchase a $5 Shopping Pass for exclusive savings and Sacred Heart School keeps 100% of the Shopping Pass proceeds. PLUS school families receive the entire $5.00 credit towards their scrip obligation for each pass purchased! There is no limit as to […]
“The Cottage on Main” gift cards are available in a $10 card, 15%. The Cottage on Main is located across from Ventura High School, at 2016 E. Main Street and features coffee, espresso drinks, smoothies, sandwiches and treats. It also has meeting room space and they deliver! You can see them on Facebook or follow on […]
Dennis Uniform skirts and skorts are available at 10% off the regular price and pants & shorts for 15% off regular price until July 10th. Purchases may be made at the Woodland Hills storefront, online or via phone. Remember to contact the scrip office prior to your purchase to continue your summer effort to maximize […]
Atop the homepage, you will see the path that leads to the necessary information for each incoming grade. Please spend time on these activities weekly to keep those academic skills sharp during these wonderful weeks of summer. The supply list is also available under the ‘Our School’ tab.
All information for summer academic activities will be available during the week of June 20. Keep reading as you await the details!
Father Cyprian Carlo presided at the Friday evening 8th Grade Graduation Mass. He selected Luke, Chapter 2, verses 41-52 as the Gospel for this special Mass, the account of the young boy, Jesus, separated from Joseph and Mary as He stays behind in Jerusalem to spend time in His Father’s House. Father Cyprian sees valuable […]
There will be upgrades made to our campus while students are away during the summer vacation. In mid-June the basketball courts will be resurfaced and repainted. In use since 2000, athletes have played volleyball, basketball, and many PE activities on the courts’ surface which is beginning to show its age. Following the resurfacing, our courts […]