Dear Parents, March 21, 2011 I hope that everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend! Congratulations to Anthony Gose – the winner of the Primary Grades Palmisano Writing Contest! The children wrote wonderful essays on why Sacred Heart School is an A+ school. They all did a fantastic job and I was very proud of each and […]
Our focus for the third trimester is local & international. Locally, we will work to support Food Share and The Society of St. Vincent de Paul. When our fifth grade students visit Food Share later this trimester, they will bring our donation of at least 30 pounds of non-perishable food items collected by each of […]
Our Music teacher, Joel Doswell, works with kindergarten-eighth grade students to complete the California Music Standards, plays guitar in class & in church, assists with our Christmas & spring music programs, and directs The Talent Show for students in grades 5-8. He teaches our students to read music and play instruments with growing skill and […]
We hope you will join your student(s) for weekly Stations of the Cross until Holy Week. Monday afternoon at 2p will be your next opportunity as the eighth grade leads our student body in The Stations of the Cross. In the following weeks of Lent, Stations will be held at 2p on Wednesdays, March 30, […]
Homework will normally come home on Friday to be returned the following Thursday. This time frame should fit the needs of all families and your busy schedules. Each week, interactive web links will be included with homework. I am hearing positive remarks about these links! Thursday I sent home a reading log, please read a […]
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow, students may wear green tops with their uniform bottoms. They may also wear appropriate socks and decorative items (hairbands, etc.)
There are many math websites online. We have been using Sheppard Software which is a good site for fun drill and practice activities. Another website,, which was featured on the national news last week, has a multitude of math video lessons and practice activities, appropriate for all grade levels. Students in the eighth grade […]
Today, the sixth grade class experienced a slow motion Mass conducted by Father Bill. The students were invited into the sacristy to learn about the vestments worn by the priest as well as the names for the different dishes used in Mass. Once Mass started the students stood up at the altar for many parts […]
Dear Third Grade Families, This week in your school work packet you will find your child’s Trimester 2 Report Card. Please take a moment to review this with your child. Then, sign the bottom as well as the envelope and return it to school in the Tuesday School Work folder. Of course, if you have […]
Our field trip to Santa Ynez Mission and the Carriage House Museum are the big news of this week!! We leave at 8:00 Wednesday morning and will be gone until the end of our school day. Please pack your child a lunch because we are having a picnic at a local park in Santa Ynez. […]