Dear Parents, February 14, 2011 Happy Valentine’s Day! We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day today in language arts with a writing activity (check your red folder tonight!), in math with candy hearts, and this afternoon with a party! Our reading strategy this week is predict/infer and the comprehension skill that will help with that strategy […]
The Vons & eScrip “10% Back-to-Schools” January edition has ended. If your card is registered with eScrip as a Sacred Heart supporter, do nothing! Your donation amount will automatically be forwarded to us in in a few months and your scrip account will be credited as soon as we receive the report and funds. If […]
Requirements: Each family is required to complete 36 hours of service throughout the school year. All service hours must be recorded on the family Green Sheet and turned in with the appropriate signatures. Green Sheets are due at the end of each month, with the exception of the final Green Sheet which is due on […]
At the Principals’ Meeting in January, Sister Kathleen Burns, SND led a biblical reflection focusing on God’s call to each of us with a message that we must be open to the “journey” our life presents to us just as Abraham, Moses, Mary, and the apostles were. I shared this reflection at our meeting as […]
Our Open House was well attended; our students enjoyed the SLE Bingo game prepared by our 8th grade students, free dress, lunch, and extra playtime; our teachers enjoyed free dress, morning coffee, a luncheon & treats provided by the PTC; our priests and parish staff enjoyed student-made cards & treats provided by our school; and […]
Hello Sacred Heart School Families, I hope everyone had the opportunity to participate in Catholic Schools Week; as a PTC Board Member, it was a pleasure to see and meet many of the family members who were able to attend Parents’ Day on Friday, February 4th. In my last letter, I mentioned our upcoming events, […]
We spoke earlier today about the middle school field trip tomorrow to the Thousand Oaks Civic Plaza to see a play about Jackie Robinson. We are also looking forward to our School Fair which is March 2nd at 6:30 p.m. We hope you can come and see all of our projects, which we have been […]
At Sacred Heart, every month we focus on a different saint and his/her life. Since the beginning of the school year we have focused upon Saints Augustine, Teresa of Lisieux, Benedict, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Blessed Juan Diego, and currently Saint Ignatius. Saint Ignatius lived during the time of the Roman persecution of Christians. He died […]
Tomorrow the middle school will be going to see the play “Most Valuable Player”. It is a flashback of the life of Jackie Robinson and all the hardships he faced to become the first black major league baseball player. What a perfect way for the middle school to celebrate Black History Month! Submitted by the […]
Our candy grams sale ended last Friday. It was a big success and we have a final count of just over 40 dozen candy grams that will be sent to service men and women at Walter Reed Army Hospital and to those serving in Afghanistan. We know each candy gram will bring a smile to […]