Dear Third Grade Parents and Families, This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. Thank you to the parents who helped out during Sunday’s Open House. I saw many students and families both from within the Sacred Heart School community and those who are very interested in joining us. On Monday, Candy Gram sales will continue. […]
Students on our leadership team (eighth graders) visited each classroom yesterday afternoon to direct a spirited game of BINGO. The bingo game was centered around and designed to reinforce our School Learning Expectations (SLEs), and each bingo card had at least one free space, labeled with the number 30. Eighth graders designed the game as […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Catholic Schools Week is this week. There are many activities planned for this week for your student. Monday…SLE Bingo sponsored by 8th grade Tuesday…Student Appreciation Day, free dress and no homework Wednesday…Staff Appreciation Day Thursday…Pastor/Parish Appreciation Day Friday…Parents’ Day: we will begin with Mass at 8:30. (Further Information will be in […]
The middle school is in the process of finishing our Apostles’ Creed religion book. The students have learned many details about this beautiful prayer over the past several months. We examined how the prayer is a map of our faith and how the different sections of the prayer express our Christian faith. The last chapters […]
Dear Families, This week we celebrate Catholic Schools week. Tuesday is Student Appreciation day. We will have free dress and Mrs. Benner will be providing lunch on Tuesday for everyone! This Friday we will be celebrating Parents Day. Please join us for mass on Friday and then join us in the classroom if you can. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Sunday, our annual Open House began Catholic Schools Week. This year’s theme is A+ learners! As we celebrating 30 years of excellence here at Sacred Heart School, we are reminded of our achievements and goals. All around our school, we have thirty hand drawn posters with 30 to remind us of […]
Dear Parents, January 31, 2011 What a busy week!! It is Catholic Schools Week this week and we have something special planned every day. Groundhog Day is Wednesday as well as the 100th day of school – more celebrating! Friday is Chinese New Year and Parents Day. I hope that you can spend the morning […]
The faculty continues the In-Depth Study of Science with three specific tasks: an analysis of the ITBS testing results; a review of our progress teaching the California Science Standards; and discussions of research-based, effective instructional techniques. As we complete these tasks we will create an action plan defining our goals to improve the Science program. […]
On Friday January 21st our school families met to make 30 year posters. Each pair of families selected a theme for their poster (ideas such as: our favorite things about SHS, adjectives that describe SHS, what SHS makes me think of) and the family members created artwork to place on the posters. Look for these […]
Students in grade 8 have finished their research papers and have moved on to the experimental portion of their science fair project, with log checks every other week. Sixth graders have just completed the planning stage (writing their QHP–question, hypothesis and detailed procedure) and will be ready to start experimenting this week. They will also […]