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CA Dept of Public Health Notice

From the Principal By November 16, 2010 No Comments

2011 Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Immunization Requirements for 2011-12 Year The following is a message from The California Department of Public Health: For the 2011-12 school year only, all students entering 7th through 12th grades will need proof of a Tdap booster shot before starting school. This requirement: •    Begins July 1, 2011. •    Can be […]


November 15

Kindergarten By November 15, 2010 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy Monday! The Chumash Acorn outreach program was a big hit! Your children enjoyed many hands-on activities learning how Chumash Natives lived years ago. Homework News–I would like to have your child use a website for one component of homework for the week. This would be to create a comic with sight […]


November 15-19, 2010

2nd Grade By November 15, 2010 No Comments

Dear Second Grade Families, Our field trip to the California Oil Museum in Santa Paula is this Thursday. NOVEMBER HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES: How is this coming? This should be a fun family time activity. Remember you are helping your child with time management skills when the activities are spread out during the month and not zipped […]


11-15-10 Weekly Letter

1st Grade By November 14, 2010 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     November 15, 2010 What an exciting week we have planned in first grade!  Today we are having our Chumash Native American Presentation from the Ventura Outreach Program.  We will also be watching a movie from California Streaming in the computer lab on the Pilgrims’ trip to America as a preview to our study […]


5th Annual Palmisano Basketball Clinic a Success!

Events By November 13, 2010 No Comments

Basketball players from throughout Ventura County assembled at the Balboa Middle School Gym on Saturday morning to participate in the annual clinic created by The Palmisano Family to honor their husband and father, Joseph Palmisano.  Divided into groups by age, the participants were coached by Joseph & Mary Palmisano’s children with the talent and skills […]


Scrip Raffle Starts Sunday

Scrip By November 12, 2010 No Comments

From November 14th through December 14th, every $25 scrip purchase will earn one entry in our Christmas raffle. If you buy $50 worth of gift cards, you earn 2 entries; $200 purchase earns 8 entries. The more you buy, the better your chances to win! Six $25.00 scrip gift certificates will be awarded, redeemable at […]


Field Trip

5th Grade By November 10, 2010 No Comments

The fifth graders had a wonderful time at the Santa Barbara Art Museum.  They enjoyed looking at all the different types of art.  Today the students were given a free pass for a return visit to the museum.  They are very excited about returning with their families.
