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11-8-10 Weekly Letter

1st Grade, Our Students By November 8, 2010 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     November 8, 2010 What a job our “little saints” did for the Saints Parade!  We certainly enjoyed the day – not only were we excited about the Saint Parade but our class also reached 100 points for following the classroom rules and we enjoyed a small treat. We will be finishing up theme […]


Week of November 8-12, 2010

2nd Grade By November 8, 2010 No Comments

Dear Second Grade Families, Second Grade Saints were great!!! Thank you for your help with costumes and memorization of the important facts. FLAT PEOPLE UPDATE: We are receiving mail. The flat second graders are having many adventures. Please remember all mail is to be returned to school after it is shared at home. Soon we […]


Weekly Letter Nov. 8th

5th Grade By November 8, 2010 No Comments

November 8, 2010 Dear Families, As a class we really enjoyed watching our Kindergarten buddies at the Saint Parade. This Tuesday, November 9th we will be taking our first field trip to the Santa Barbara Museum.  Please make sure to return your permission slip for the field trip.  Please remember that students will be in […]


November 8

Kindergarten By November 8, 2010 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, The Saint’s Parade was beautiful! Your saints did a wonderful job. I am very proud of my students. Please note upcoming events and activities * Thursday there is no school –  honoring  Veterans’s Day. * Friday is donut treat day—$ 1.00 donations support ‘Adopt a Family’. * Money for donuts has been […]


Faculty Meeting Activities

From the Principal By November 5, 2010 No Comments

At our meeting on October 22, the faculty continued training on the use of California Streaming, a site made available by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles containing video, images, audio, podcasts, and reference all tied to The California Standards, grade levels, and subject areas. At this Friday’s meeting we will be discussing the use of […]


Vacation in Cordoba

7th Grade By November 3, 2010 No Comments

The seventh grade class just finished learning about Islam and the achievements of the Islamic Empire in Spain. We viewed video and pictures from Cordoba and other areas in Spain. The lesson concluded with a “tasting “of foods from the region, including oranges, raisins and dates! Most were very brave and tried the dates and […]
