Dear Second Grade Families, Thank you for all your support for the Fiesta. All the grades, especially second graders, did a great job singing. We have begun to receive FLAT PERSON mail…very exciting. We will be making Halloween cards and writing letters to our hosts this week in class! Friday, ALMOST HALLOWEEN EVE DAY, (10/29), […]
Two weeks from right now the seventh graders will be in the bus heading down to the Long Beach Aquarium for a sleepover. The permission form and a letter were sent home last week. The signed permission form and check for the trip are due back by this Friday, October 29th. Thank you!
October 25, 2010 Dear Kindergarten Families, What a great time at the Fiesta! Thanks to all of you for making our parish and school Fiesta a successful one. Birthday News: Angela will be celebrating her birthday this Friday! Halloween Tattoo’s on Friday, $1.00 per tattoo—to support our Mission efforts. If you have not already done […]
Dear Third Grade Parents and Families, Great news! We now have access to a wonderful website to help with spelling. The website is “”. I have gone onto the site and have set up a new list for this week and plan to add each week’s words as the year goes on. You just have to […]
The 8th grade enjoyed an exciting, interactive day at the Reagan Library on Thursday. After an informative tour, they all had real life roles in the Discovery Center. They reenacted the Grenada Invasion during President Reagan’s term. In the military command center the generals and chiefs all made the same decisions made by the commanders […]
Teachers are spending Friday afternoon learning better ways to use California Streaming in the classrooms.
The Volleyball and Football teams have been unable to adhere to the original game schedule because of the rainy conditions of the last week and the football team has even been forced to reschedule a make-up game date! Our Athletic Director, Mrs. Petersen, has been working closely with the other schools in our league to […]
The fourth graders will be giving a concert with their recorders at the Fiesta. Please join us for the fun this Sunday at 1:00! 05 Awesome God
Starting now, the second half of the first trimester, grades 6, 7, and 8 will receive a work packet every Tuesday instead of every other week. We will ask for your input on this new system when we meet for parent conferences.