Wednesday we wear free dress with green apparent in honor of St Patrick’s Day. We have this day as a free “free” dress day! “May you have: A world of wishes at your command. God and his angels close to hand. Friends and family their love impart, And Irish blessings in your heart!”
Third grade families, I hope you had a great weekend! Our last week in the second trimester! As a reminder, we are all on Zoom this Friday. We will dismiss at 11:30a. Important Dates Wednesday, March 17: Free, free dress! Friday, March 19: End of Trimester 2 Friday, March 19: 11:30a dismissal Friday, March 19: […]
The 6th grade class is currently studying Ancient Egypt. We are focusing this week on their belief in the afterlife and the many gods they worshipped. Next week we will have a virtual field trip with the Penn Museum in Philadelphia teaching us about the mummification process. Each step from brain removal to the final […]
The middle school grades brought Stations of the Cross booklets up to church and reflected on each station. The students quietly paused at each one and thought about what happened and how it affects them today. After each pair of students completed the journey they spent some time sitting in church and praying. A year […]
Since the start of the school year, we have gathered online for the monthly assemblies on scheduled Fridays at 1:45p. Starting tomorrow, and each month after, the Assemblies for March, April, and May will start at 11a (just as Morning Prayer). With more students on campus, we will be able to share this time with […]
Homework Reading Log: Read 20 min. a day (at least 5 times a week) Practice new word sort. Go over word patterns with your child. (Test will be on Monday). A reminder that test day may change due to extra time needed to review sort. Fluency: I have sent all students their new fluency packets […]
Congratulations to our second grade friends on their First Reconciliation! It was a pleasure seeing everyone and celebrating this sacrament together. Here’s a peek at what we are working on this week. HOMEWORK Math IXL Skills: G.14, L.10, and Y.5 Language Arts IXL Skill: none this week Fluency Wk 20 – This should be completed […]
Third grade families, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! As we approach the end of our second trimester next week, we continue to work hard and learn hard! Important Dates Tuesday, March 9: Family Envelopes go home Friday, March 12: 11:45a dismissal Friday, March 12: 1:45p school-wide assembly Weekly Homework IXL math:—I.5 Relate […]
Our 8th grade students led Morning Prayer today as we continue our way through Lent. Following an introduction and a reading from The Old Testament, this message followed: During this season of Lent, help us to set aside time to reflect on what it means to think of others first. Help us to see ourselves […]
Wednesday afternoon, our second grade students and their families met in Sacred Heart Church for the first time this school year and celebrated the sacrament of First Reconciliation. Our Pastor and Associate Pastor, Fathers Al and Ramon, met with our students to share this special time together and hear their first confession. After the students, […]