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Assembly on Friday…and Another Quick Families Gathering

Events By September 15, 2020 No Comments

The Class of 2021 will lead the September Assembly on Friday afternoon with a 12:45p start. Their agenda will include summer & September birthdays and other announcements. Last Friday, we started the school year with school “Families” meeting in the afternoon. Some Families were able to gather successfully, but others were prevented from staying online […]


SHS “Families” Number 1-17 and Meet This Friday!

School 'Family' Program By September 7, 2020 No Comments

Many year ago, Sacred Heart School started “Families” that are made of one or more students from each grade, Kindergarten through Eighth. 17 School “Families” meet at least once a month and enjoy the many opportunities to develop leadership, collaboration, and stewardship. The Eighth Grade students lead their “Families” in events and activities they plan, […]


Supply List is Ready!

From the Principal By August 11, 2020 No Comments

The items students need for Kindergarten-Fifth Grade and MS are posted now on the site. Please begin gathering these materials and place them in their rolling backpack/carrier. Students will be using these items as we begin our distance learning portion of the school year on Wednesday, September 2.
