Our Eight Grade class has been working on our sweatshirt ideas for this year. It all started at the end of 7th grade with planning. We are anxiously waiting for approval from the principal to see if sweatshirts with hoodies and pockets are a possibility in this unusual school year. No matter what, the final […]
The Class of 2021 will lead the September Assembly on Friday afternoon with a 12:45p start. Their agenda will include summer & September birthdays and other announcements. Last Friday, we started the school year with school “Families” meeting in the afternoon. Some Families were able to gather successfully, but others were prevented from staying online […]
Intermediate teachers will meet with families of our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students on Wednesday, September 16 at 6:30p. Family members can join the teacher at the same location as their student(s) do during the day. The teachers will share plans, goals, and expectations for this school year. Thank you!
Many year ago, Sacred Heart School started “Families” that are made of one or more students from each grade, Kindergarten through Eighth. 17 School “Families” meet at least once a month and enjoy the many opportunities to develop leadership, collaboration, and stewardship. The Eighth Grade students lead their “Families” in events and activities they plan, […]
The middle school students reviewed a Brainpop movie on going back to school in 2020. We then discussed the challenges and strategies to help us complete a successful year. Part of the discussion focused on staying positive through our faith and support of our families. We are ready to learn and grow in 2020!
Our Back to School Nights give families an opportunity to meet with the teacher(s) as they share the plans for this school year. We meet on three consecutive Wednesdays, one meeting night for each of our three levels. Middle School teachers will meet with families of our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students on Wednesday, […]
As students and their families prepare for a distance learning start to the school year, we want everyone to know Bubba is doing well too! He is off-campus since March, but enjoying a relaxing summer. You can see from the photograph how much he has grown! He misses being at school but is happy in […]
The items students need for Kindergarten-Fifth Grade and MS are posted now on the site. Please begin gathering these materials and place them in their rolling backpack/carrier. Students will be using these items as we begin our distance learning portion of the school year on Wednesday, September 2.
We are almost ready to post the supply list for the coming school year. The list currently showing on the site is for the 2019-2020 school year, and while some things remain the same, some things are changing. Please wait for the announcement regarding the posting of the new list!
All directions for student summer work are available on the site now; look for the “sun guy” on the home page, click, and get started! We hope all are enjoying summer days that include time for relaxation, family, fun, and some school work.