We celebrate Parents & Friends Day on Friday morning, January 24; parents and friends are invited to share the morning at school on a Noon Dismissal Day.

Students may be dropped off normally in the morning and family/guests attending may park and wait near church for the students to arrive for Mass.  Family/guests are encouraged to sit with their student(s) and school staff members will help you locate your student(s) in church if you miss them as they enter the church.

The morning starts with the 8:30a Mass and continues with time in the classrooms.  During the Middle School and Kindergarten-5th recesses, those who ordered donuts will enjoy those. Other snacks and/or drinks may be brought to enjoy as well.

Parents and guests are invited to attend all or any portion of the morning that their schedules allow with an 11:40a end to the event.

We look forward to seeing you Friday morning!
