This week we continue fractions during math time. Please add this site, http://math.about.com/, to your computer bookmarks. It is a great place to get math practice sheets for your student.
During the month of March I will make time each day for free reading. I have asked each student to bring a few books from their home libraries that they have already read. It would be great to enhance our fourth grade collection with these donated books. That will give each child a much larger selection in which to choose a “new” book to read. I have also requested that all students bring a cozy pillow or small throw blanket. It will make them more comfortable as they scatter around the classroom with their books.
This week we will complete our family life unit for religion. The students will also be using their Bibles to look for verses relating to stations of the cross. I will give the chapter 9 science test on magnetism this Thursday. In English our unit focuses on the mechanics of writing. We continue to read and discuss chapter 7 in social studies, “Newcomers from Near and Far.” From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler will take us along on the Kincaid children’s adventures in New York City.
I am enjoying reading aloud The Swiss Family Robinson to the students. It is fun to see them excited about this classic piece of literature. Soon we will have a coloring contest related to the story.
Have a blessed week.
Mrs. Sharon Redmond