May is a fun and very busy month! This Friday is the Jogathan! Please get your pledges in and all the other fun stuff that goes with our fundraiser.
Tuesday third trimester Progress Reports will come home – please review, sign and return by Friday, May 11. Look for the Red Family envelope coming home as well.
Wednesday, Crowning of Mary at 2:00. First Grade leads the ceremony – please join us if your schedule permits.
Mia and Evan will celebrate their birthdays later this month!
Religion – May is Mary’s month- we will focus on our Blessed Mother and learn parts of the Rosary.
ELA- continues with the same pattern of learning sounds, segmenting and blending CVC words with short vowel /o/. Persuasive writing – we will use our field trip to Channel Islands for this first piece of writing. Reading workshop will focus on partner reading and using the strategies with our super powers of sounding out words and sight word power.
Math finds us adding and subtracting with objects and on the 110 grid. We will do some graphing and measurement.
Science using our five senses – sense of taste this week!
Social studies will continue with our National Symbols- the Statue of Liberty.
IN N Out will be Friday the 18th — come have a delicious lunch with your child. Order forms need to come in this week.
Any questions??
Send me an email –
Thank you for your support here at Sacred Heart School!
Mrs. Brown