This week starts our fifth full week of school! Your children are doing a great job making friends and following the daily routine as they work carefully on classwork. I am happy to see the reading logs for homework as well as attention to IXL math/websites coming in each week.
Wednesday is our first ‘free dress’ or non-uniform day. Please send in $1.00 or more to help support our first trimester mission efforts, ‘Adopt-a-Family’. Note the dress code for non-uniform click on: scroll down to pages 52-55.
Friday is a noon dismissal with Primary Centers for grades K- 1- 2. This is a fun day with crafts in all three class based on a fall theme. I have several parents/grandparents coming in to help – thank you for signing up!
Stories from the Bible continue to be an addition to our Religion lessons. Last week, we started watching short movie clips of Jonah and the Whale. On Friday, time after Mass was spent with 5th grade buddies as we put together this craft.
Religion for this week “God’s World is Good”. We’ll take a look back at Creation, review Noah and God’s promise to always love everything on Earth. Watching our little seedlings grow adds to our understanding of all things good in God’s world.
Science this week continues with the needs of living things, measuring and comparing the seedlings in our garden beds. The lab time will be outdoor writing/drawing in our journals noting the growth of these green pea seeds.
English language arts: We are starting our first theme “Look at Us” as we now are listening to stories with a follow-up work sheet for comprehension. Letters, sounds, blending, rhyming and letter formation are all components of this theme.
Everyday Math is a new series we will begin to use this week. Counting, patterning, and number formation will be the focus. I am adding number words (zero to ten) to this practice. Number word cards will come home on Friday for homework. Your children will be tested on these vocabulary sight words next week.
People in our community continue to be our social studies lessons along with the Social studies weekly paper.
This should take us through the week. If you have any questions/concerns please send me an email.
Bless your families,
Mrs. Carol Brown