All kinder students enjoyed their first Primary Centers experience on Friday! My sincere thanks to those who came to help and others who helped with preparation at home. We are fortunate to have so many parents/grandparents able to help make this year a great one. If your schedule permits, the next Primary Centers is in October 18. My monthly calendar will be emailed later this week for sign-ups.
Andrew is celebrating his birthday on Thursday!
Fall is here! As the new season begins our continuing religion focus is God’s World is Good. Our Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs) teach us about our faith, care for others and our learning as we grow in school. This week we will focus on A.3 ‘Help others at home, in school and in the world’.
Monday we have an outreach program, Marla the Mermaid. This enrichment program teaches us about several ocean animals their needs through puppets, songs and stories. Be sure to ask your child about Marla the Mermaid.
English language arts (ELA) has us printing our best, working with sight words, picture reading, rhyming, and breaking apart words to hear each sound, then blending the sounds together to hear the words. Beginning reading skills are so important, we are also listening for details in stories as we read. Non-fiction as well as fiction is read in class for comprehension and content.
Math continues with games and hands on work in the Everyday Math series. Counting, patterning and number formation will be top priority this week. I hope your families are enjoying using the Everyday Math booklet at home.
In our community we are learning about occupations, those who help keep us safe and what to do in an emergency situation.
This Friday is a full day of school, we will have school families in the afternoon.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Carol Brown