Dear Kindergarten Parents,

September is here and so is the hot weather! It was a nice 3-day weekend- I hope everyone had time to enjoy the extra day with family and friends.

Grandparent’s Day is on Friday! It is important for kindergarten children to have a grandparent(s) or a special friend come to class and/or Mass for your child.  Sometimes schedules conflict and this is impossible. Please discuss with your child that other grandparents or friends will be there and they will share time as well as help with the fun during class time.  Parents do have a special day coming in February.  Although, parents can be there for their child when others are not available.

Our religion focus will be understand Jesus is God and his name is holy. In Chapter 2 we will talk about the importance of our names. Our next homework will be the significance of your child’s name-its meaning and why it was chosen.

Our English Language Arts and Math curriculum is based on the Common Core Standards. I will be keeping you informed on your child’s progress in these areas. Our goal at this point is to identify all letters and their sounds, sight words, understand story components, and work hard to print neatly. Math finds us learning the names of plane and solid geometric shapes. Daily we count to 30 by 1’s, 2’s, and to 100 by 5’s and 10’s. In group time we sort and find patterns with objects, using them to count, and work hard to form our numbers correctly.

Science lab and written work will consist of comparing how seeds can start in water and soil. Social studies discussion will be about occupations and our community helpers.

Friday is a noon dismissal –

Enjoy your week!

Mrs. Carol Brown
