I hope all families enjoyed and stayed cool over the hot holiday weekend! I am so glad we are cooling down for the week ahead.
Special fundraiser: water is being sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays for $1.00
SCHOOL PICTURE DAY is Wednesday – Students are in uniform! Please return picture envelope or use the online choice.
Grandparent’s Day is on Friday! It is important for kindergarten students to have a grandparent or special family friend come join us on Friday. Please let your child know who will be here for them!
Mrs. Benner’s post should answer any questions https://sacredheartschoolventura.org/grandparents-and-other-special-friends-day-friday-sept-8/
Noemi is our September birthday friend.
Religion this week working from our text, Names are Good, several beautiful names for our Blessed Mother and a page from our text on Mary’s birthday.
English Language Arts will continue with alphabet knowledge, sight words, “see” “the” used in simple sentences, noting punctuation and correct letter case. New work introduced this week: Words Their Way has us sorting pictures and to understand concept of sorting and categorizing. Second, Reading Workshop beginning with reading to learn about the world. This includes reading signs, environmental print, and non-fiction books. Lastly, have been writing every day now its time to actually launch the Writer’s Workshop. This will teach us we are all writers and can share their work with the class.
Everyday Math finds us working with pattern blocks for sorting and patterning, graphing, counting on number line and number grid to 100. Counting down from 20 and counting from a number other than one, place value (ones and tens) and introducing even and odd numbers.
Science all about animals – pairing nicely with our read about the world books in Reader’s Workshop.
Social studies – discussing rules, environment and people in the workforce.
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a note.
God Bless your families
Mrs. Brown