Sacred Heart School Accomplishments, Prioritized

Improving Student Learning

February 2014 Visit

1. Technology under constant improvement; use of technology such as Kindle Fire tablets especially in Middle School; technology use in Middle School Religion instruction

2. Academic groups in the primary level

3. Teachers Assistants added to staff to allow for differentiated instruction

4. Placement of students in Math classes based upon meeting grade level standards, and use of the STEP/MAP process for those not making acceptable progress

5. Catholic values permeate the spiritual, academic and personal growth of students

6. Student-led liturgies, paraliturgies, and mission projects

7. Better utilization of ITBS results as a result of participation in the in-service from Catapult Learning

8. Unified Reading comprehension and fluency assessment in primary & intermediate levels beginning in 2013-14; individual assessment of all K-5 students twice a year

9. Summer work for all incoming students; students complete work during the summer

10. The use of SLE Binders in the Middle School

11. Acquisition of books & support materials for use with The Common Core State


12. Saint of the Month program

13. High performance and/or growth displayed by a majority of students in ELA

and Math on the 2012 ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills)

14. ACRE scores in grades 5 and 8

15. A strong sports program emphasizing student athleticism and good sportsmanship

16. Archdiocese of LA, California and Common Core State Standards attached to the

report card each trimester; a list of the standards covered is included with each report card
