Friday afternoon, May 1st, our 8th grade students traveled in threes to spend time with students in Kindergarten through 7th grade leading an Art activity to create the SHS Love Bug.

Each of the 8th grade artists led the class in a segment of the activity: the drawing of the body, the addition of appendages, and the final touches of decoration and color. While together, the students in the younger grades and their teachers were able to visit with the 8th grade students. We miss being together on campus!

The image is by one of the 8th grade students as I photographed my screen when he returned to 8th grade after the activity. Each 8th grader displayed theirs before they ended their school week. No SHS Love Bug is exactly like the other, but they are all beautiful and remind us of a happy moment together as a school community.

When you are walking or driving in VC neighborhoods, be on the lookout for an SHS Love Bug on display!
