With an audience of Third-Eighth Grade students & staff, and many family members in attendance as well, 24 Fourth to Eighth Grade students took to the stage on Monday, January 8, to compete in this year’s Spelling Bee. Thanks to the 24 Bee participants for an exciting event! Congratulations to all!
Following an 8:30a start, there were still spellers on stage when it was time for the morning recesses.
Upon our return to Biedermann Hall, the competition kept going! As the time for the lunch breaks neared, four spellers worked through Rounds 10-13: 5th Grade Robert, 6th Grade Joannie, 7th Grade Hazel, and 7th Grade Connor.
Then down to three and finally a winner! Runners-Up, Robert from 5th Grade and Hazel from 7th Grade and Our 2024 CHAMPION—-Connor from 7th Grade!
Connor prepares now for the Preliminary Rounds of the SAGE Ventura County Spelling Bee. Good spelling!