As in previous summers, all students in grades 1- 8 are to spend time during the weeks of summer on specific academic activities provided by SHS teachers to allow for skill retention, practice, and a quick start in August. Incoming kindergarten students will also find summer work provided by Mrs. Brown. With The Common Core State Standards’ emphasis on technology, we continue to see the need for proficiency in keyboarding. All students are to spend time developing or improving age-appropriate keyboarding skills in addition to work on assignments that may include facts practice, research, reading logs, writing practice, visits to specific websites, etc. Information and necessary materials are being prepared during these last weeks, and will be posted on the website during the last week of school & available on the site throughout the summer.
Mrs. Benner
Education at Sacred Heart School is centered in Christ and is concerned with the development of the whole child. We are committed to helping students grow in trust and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as well as to helping them grow in the spirit of prayer, service and leadership in the Christian community. Sacred Heart School cooperates with and assists the parents or legal guardians, who are the primary educators of their children. Along with teaching Catholic dogma, doctrine, and morals, Sacred Heart School maintains a strong, innovative curriculum. It is our goal to promote a school atmosphere that is enlivened by Gospel values, intellectual proficiency, and self-esteem.