Dear Parents,
Valentine’s Day is just a few days away! In first grade we celebrate with a party on February 14th in the afternoon organized by our room parents. During our party we will be passing out Valentine’s Day cards. I ask that all students receive a Valentine. In addition, as we are always practicing our printing and writing skills, each Valentine must be addressed to a student in the classroom. I have written the names of the students within our classroom. Within our classroom time and Social Studies lesson on the Post Office next week, we will be making our own mailboxes for our Valentines. For our mailboxes, each student must bring in one family sized tissue box (empty- However, donations of more tissue boxes are always welcomed- especially in this flu season!) We will be completing this project on early next week. Please have your student bring in their tissue box on Monday morning.
26 Students
Boys: Girls: Teachers:
Alex A Jovanna Miss. Manning
Nicolas Jacqueline Mrs. Wipper
Dylan Olivia Mrs. Ruiz
Dominic Paloma Mrs. Danforth
Matthew Genesis Mrs. Cafarelli
Vadim Chloe Ms. Alden
Carlos Natalie
Christopher Elizabeth
Giovanni Tailor
Isaiah Jennessy
Noah Sienna