We spent last week settling back into our classroom routine. It was great to see all the students get right back to learning. We have a full week ahead of us.
Take a Look at Our Week:
Homework: We begin our homework this week. Your child is expected to read chapter books to log in their reading log. I will send a chapter book home with your child if he/she does not have one at home. Common Common Core Homework& 2nd trimester reading log (Please click on the read words to print homework.)
Language Arts:
Reading: Continue the story “Jamaica Louise James”, a realistic fiction selection. We will be reading for comprehension and fluency. Evaluation will be our strategy focus. Our skill focus will be inferences.
We will continue reading our read aloud: Boxcar Children. We reread a few chapters last week. We will read chapters 7 & 8 this week. The children are enjoying the book.
Writing: We will continue “author’s chair”. The students have started writing a persuasive essay. I am looking forward to reading some this week and begin the editing process.
Spelling/Phonics: Unit 16…Reminder our spelling test is on Thursday. The focus for spelling will be the long i (igh, i, y). We learn two new vowel pairs, ee & ea. Another focus will be the ending –tion & -ture.
Math: We will work o word problems , addition, horizontal addition, & introduce 2-D & 3-D shapes such as triangle, circle, rhombus, trapezoid, cylinder, sphere, rectangular prism & square pyramid. Math Fact practice sheet will be sent home this week. J Practice one-minute drills.
Religion: We will begin Unit 3. Goal: The students will be grateful for God’s loving mercy in giving us the gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Social Studies: Continue learning about the continent of North America
****** STUDENT OF THE WEEK…Gabriella ******
We will continue getting to know Gabriella this week.
Dismissal on Friday is at 2:45 p.m.
Have a Great Week,
Mrs. Vazquez