Dear Second Grade Families,
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO OUR GREAT SECOND GRADE MOTHERS. If the bracelets don’t fit or break, just return them to school and they will be fixed.
First Holy Communion was great. Thank you for all your help in getting your child ready for this beautiful occasion.  The boys and girls looked wonderful and did such a great job.  Thank you to Father Bill. He arranged the music as well as celebrated our special Mass with important messages for all of us. Thank you to our special readers, offertory group, servers, the choir, and all you parents and guests. Thank you for taking advantage of our special photographer. I would especially like to thank Mrs. Touchettte for all her help with the banners, (prepping and making), and Mrs. Wipper for practicing with us daily and just helping get us ready to go.
April was the last month for the monthly homework calendar/activities. With May on the heals of the late Easter break with First Holy Communion, and other school busy times before the end of the school year, time is of the essence. Thank you for spending a few extra minutes each week to share these activities with your child and including them into your family time. There were a variety of activities to choose from so there was something for everyone.
I will not be in class this week. As I explained to the second graders (and some parents) my mom fell on Easter Sunday (while checking out a bird nest in a tree) and broke her shoulder. I stayed with her during the break, my brother was on duty last week, and I’m covering this week. My mom is recovering. Keep her in your prayers.

******STUDENT OF THE WEEK…Andrew******
RELIGION: We are continuing to follow Jesus by making good choices as children of God, and, honoring Mary, the mother of Jesus.
LANGUAGE ARTS: reading for comprehension and fluency; spelling words with the endings ‘er’ and ‘ing’; creative writing; dictation; word attack; vocabulary development; dictionary work and cursive handwriting.
MATH:  Adding and subtracting facts to 20; subtracting with and without regrouping; story problems and strategies ;continue working  on life skills of telling time and counting money.
SOCIAL STUDIES/SCIENCE: Natural resources.
Have a good week. Stay tuned for further important information.
Mrs. Danforth
