I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday among family and friends. We are truly blessed to be with one another.
This week marks the beginning of trimester two and with that comes many new chapters and units. Read below to see what we are up to.
Math: In math, we continue to make our way through Unit 4: Addition and Subtraction. This week is largely dedicated to reading and understanding temperatures on a thermometer. We will discuss the difference between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit as well as learn to find differences between temperatures using change diagrams.
For IXL homework this week, please complete the following skills:
S.1 Read a thermometer
S.8 Measure using a centimeter ruler
M.7 Place value up to thousands
Reading: We have officially begun our second unit: Becoming Experts ~ Reading Nonfiction. The students will be reading non-fiction texts in class as well as in the school library. We will begin the week by reading to notice, learn and question. The second half of our week will be dedicated to asking the question, “What is this book teaching me?”. I would highly recommend choosing non-fiction reading at home in order to support and practice those skills taught in class.
Science: The students will begin our unit on force and motion this week, beginning with building our vocabularies with “work words” (pull, dig, stretch, lift, turn) and then moving into describing an objects position and movement. We will have two labs dedicated to this! We will dedicate an extra amount of time to science in the coming days as an early investment in our next Writer’s Workshop unit: Lab Reports and Science Books.
Religion: We will begin Chapter 10: Jesus Leads us to his Peace this week in preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The students will learn and discuss the differences between sin and temptation with regards to intent.
Have a great week!