Dear Third Grade Parents and Families,

As if the excitement of beginning multiplication and division wasn’t enough, we’ve finally reached the end of our cursive studies! Yes, we have learned each and every letter in both lower and upper cases and are now ready to complete all assignments in our best cursive. Of course, we will continue to practice our cursive writing in order to perfect our penmanship; but, from this point forward, students should be writing only in cursive. Assignments completed in manuscript letters will be sent back for revision.

This week, as always, will be a busy one as we will hit the ground running on Tuesday. As a reminder, Tuesday is our new library day so please remind your son or daughter to bring in his or her books. After two weeks, overdue books begin to incur fines and no one wants to go there. Of course, once students turn in their books, they can check out new ones as well.

Wednesday is a Free Dress Day with a sports theme. Please remember to bring $1 which will be donated to the Holy Child Association.

On Friday afternoon we have an assembly followed by “Families” and a 2:45 dismissal.
