Well, you may know that we had a very exciting time in science this past week! We had the chance to observe three goldfish as part of our study of animal body parts. Since then these lucky fish have become our class pets and have been named. The white one is “Baby Red Eye”, the big gold one is “Goldie” and the smaller gold one (with just a bit of black on the top fin) is “Lexie”. All names were decided in class and proved to be quite thrilling!
This week, our reading strategy is “summarize”. After we have finished reading a story we should be able to retell the story in just a few sentences. The comprehension skill that will help us with the reading strategy is story structure. Knowing that the characters and setting are introduced in the beginning of the story, that the character is faced with a problem during the middle of the story and that the character finds a solution to the problem in the ending of the story will help us understand the story and help us with the ability to summarize. Our phonics focus this week is the short sound of /u/ and the consonants q, j, and z. Our spelling words this week will focus on the short sound of /u/ – Unit 9. Our grammar focus is action words (verbs).
In math this week, we will officially begin Chapter 3 and will be making our own mini number lines. In religion, we will be discussing saints in preparation for the Saints Parade. In social studies we will begin Unit 2 – At Home with My Family. In science we will continue our study of animals and their body parts with a focus on the mouth.
Reminders for the week:
- PE clothes on Tuesday and Thursday. As the students are doing a lot of movement during this time please remember to pull back hair.
- Please remind your child to bring their library book to school Tuesday so that they may check out a new one.
- Remember your child’s Saint Report is due October 18th so we can begin memorizing and discussing the importance of our saints.
- $1 Free Dress
- Assembly on Thursday at 11:20.
- Friday is a full day but with Family activities in the afternoon
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Have a wonderful week!
Miss . Manning