Our first week back was very busy and a lot of fun!
Our reading strategy this week is summarizing and the comprehension skill that will help us with that strategy is making generalizations. Paying attention to the beginning, middle, and end of the story will help us with summarizing and paying attention to the details can help us in making generalizations. Our phonics focus this week is on the long sound of /a/ in the CVCe pattern – consonant, vowel, consonant, final (silent) e. (Words such as cake, made, late). We are also working on the soft sound of /c/ (as in face) and /g/ (as in cage). We will be taking a look at word endings: ng, nk, and nd and we will also review the consonant digraphs, th, wh, sh, ch, and tch. Our spelling words are from unit 20 and follow the CVCe pattern for the long sound of /a/. We are moving along! Now, we have 10 basic words and 2 challenge words every week! This week, Wednesday’s homework will be to write 6 sentences (5 basic spelling words and 1 challenge word). Our grammar focus this week is on determining whether a sentence is a telling, asking, or exclamatory sentence.
We are continuing our study of numbers beginning with numbers to 50! In religion, we will continue with the Holy Family and begin discussing how families share life and love. We will begin a new chapter in science on environments and a new unit in social studies “My Country, My Heroes” focusing on American history.
Reminders for the week:
- Please remind your child to bring their library book to school on Tuesday so that they may check out a new one.
- Water bottle sales continue on Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you for your support!
- Friday is Primary Centers and a noon dismissal day!
It’s All About… JoJo this week. Congratulations!
Have a wonderful week.
~Miss. Manning