Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Holy Week, a short week, we be busy with religion related journals, finishing projects, and crafts. Wednesday we go to Mass, Thursday is a half-day and Friday starts our Easter Vacation. SLE focus is A.4, ‘Make good choices like Jesus.’

Our daily work will include sight word sentences, focus on letter and sound /d/, review sound of /qu/, word families with short vowel /i/. Reading sentences to our groups as we write and illustrate in journal. Math lesson focus on telling time to the hour and elapsed time. Science  continues with water cycle and states of water. Social studies work is with mapping as we look at our world.

Look for poems send in for approval –Speech Contest is May 3

A Look at  April:

Outreach program, Marla the Mermaid on April 23-cost $2.50. This program begins with an imaginary  puppetry program telling about sea animals, follows with hands on materials and discussion about marine animals in the Channel Islands.  Payment envelopes will be coming home after Easter Vacation.

Jog-a-thon is on April 27 — therefore, this month there is no Primary Centers.

Have a wonderful Easter Sunday and a relaxing week with family and friends. School resumes on April 16.

Mrs. Carol Brown
