Dear Kindergarten families,

Hard to believe we have reached the month of May! We will be enjoying In-N-Out on Friday and Jogathon on May 20. Don’t forget Spring Pictures and free dress on Wednesday May 11.

Our religion focus – Signs of new life in Spring. God’s promise gives us joy and reminds us his promise to give us new life in heaven forever. Continuing next week with Jesus the Light of World. We will work on understanding the importance of sharing his light with others. It’s all about love.

Language Arts – working on Words their Way for ending sounds noting word families and beginning sounds with digraphs and blends. Nouns: common and proper; articles as the ‘flags’ noting a noun coming. Pronouns and I hope to start Adjectives.

Writing in our journals showing progress in our garden and backyard lab. Lots of new life out there. Caterpillars and a chrysalis to watch, two harvests of Snow Peas already and radishes should be ready soon.

Reading non-fiction: learning facts about our American Symbols, starting with bald eagles facts. Reading for fun fiction books – focus in on retelling stories.

Math finds us reviewing teen numbers and counting by 5’s also by 2’s. Working with money – making small purchases to better understand how to count money and know coin value.

Science, social studies and art will be combined as we work on our American Symbols.

Third trimester Progress Reports will be coming home next Tuesday. Please review, sign and return by Monday, May 16.

That’s all for now!

Mrs. Brown
