Dear Parents,                    May 28, 2013

I hope you all had a great four-day weekend! We have an exciting week ahead of us! Wednesday we have a special art program in the afternoon, Thursday we will be headed to the Santa Barbara Zoo and Friday is a half-day!

We have completed all of our Language Art Themes for first grade! Woo-Hoo! We will review all reading strategies, comprehension skills, grammar, and phonics we have learned thus far, within the last 19 days of the school year! We will not be having spelling words this week as it is such a busy (and short) one!

In math, we will be pressing on, focusing on related facts, fact families and writing number sentences.

We will continue with our study of matter – focusing on gases this week! We will also spend some time in review of animals, their environments, needs, and structures as we begin to prepare for our final field trip to the zoo.

Within social studies we will continue to focus on Our World Near and Far and actually begin our group projects on a specific country. Also please remember that items from another country are welcome in the classroom to enrich our conversations about various countries.

In religion, we will focus on our Family Life Series. In particular we will learn how we care for others.

Announcements for the week:

  • Please remind your student to bring their library book on Tuesday so that they may check out another one.
  • Wednesday is an in class art program in the afternoon!
  • Thursday is our field trip to the Santa Barbara Zoo!! Remember your student is to wear jeans/shorts and their school polo. Also make sure your student brings a sack lunch as we will not be back for hot lunch nor will we be able to purchase food at the zoo.
  • Half day on Friday!
  • This week it’s All About… Jovanna! Congratulations!

Have a fantastic week!

Miss. Manning
