Dear Kindergarten Parents,

What a wonderful time we had on Grandparent’s Day! It was nice to see so many grandparents, parents, and special friends here at SHS. Thank you for coming and spending time in our class.

Quinn’s birthday happened to be on Grandparent’s Day which added to the fun!  September 26 is Andrew’s birthday.

Religion: Bible is a holy book which tells of God’s love for us and the story of Jesus. This week we will listen to the story of Jonah and the whale.

English Language arts:  letter identification and sounds, printing practice, sight words, listening and responding to the beginning, middle, and ending of stories as we read.

Math:  understanding numbers, their meanings, and equivalent names for numbers. We continue to practice number formation daily!

Science focus needs of living things. Our lab continues with growth of seedlings and planting peas in our garden.

Social studies: community helpers, importance of their occupations, noting directions with mapping.

Picture Day – please return the order envelope by Wednesday

Thursday – we have an assembly slightly after 11:00

Friday – dismissal is at 2:45

Questions, comments or concerns please send an email.

Enjoy your week!

Mrs. Carol Brown
