Dear Parents,                         October 1, 2012

My goodness, time flies when you are having fun! I cannot believe it is already October! The first graders are making their way through the year with wonderful energy!

-We have completed theme 1 in our reading series.  We start theme 2 – “Surprise!” this week.  We will be reading stories that have a surprise in them.  Our reading strategy this week is questioning and the comprehension skill that will help us is noting details.  As we read, we try to pay attention to details within the story.  Paying attention to the details, using the pictures, and questioning why events are happening will help us to understand the story. Our phonics focus this week is the short sound of /o/ and d, l, w, and x.  Our spelling words are from unit 7 and will focus on the short sound of /o/. Our grammar focus is using an uppercase letter for names. We will be practicing these concepts in our language arts center activities this week.

-Math finds us working our way through chapter 2. We will continue on subtraction but this week subtracting from 7 and 8 as well as learning to subtract in vertical form! Keep an eye on our homework and please remember to check the bottom for the “Explain your Thinking” question!

-In religion, we will be taking the week to wrap up our chapter on Baptism. We will also begin to talk about the upcoming Saint Reports and Saints Parade at the very end of the week. As we will just be talking about what the Saints Parade and Report is in Frist grade a note will be sent home with directions and posted online next week.

-Science finds us beginning Chapter 2- Animals. Just as with plants, we will be discussing the needs of living things. We will continue to visit the Science lab as we do every Tuesday!

-In social studies we will be wrapping up our lesson on schools and how we learn, spend time reviewing and be ready to take our test on Friday!

Reminders for the Week:

  • Please remind your child to bring their library book to school Tuesday so that they may check out a new one.
  • Remember PE uniforms on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Progress Reports go home on Tuesday.
  • Spelling Test on Thursday.
  • Friday in a noon dismissal day as the teachers have a staff meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.  Have a wonderful week!

Miss. Manning
