Our second grade class will begin our Monday morning greeting our new student, Ryan. We are excited to welcome Ryan to our second grade family. YAY! We will start off our week counting up to our 100th day of school, which will be on January 18th. We will also be doing our primary centers on our 100th day of school. Primary grades have changed the time of primary centers to 10:00-12:00. Take a look at our week.
Highlights of our Academic Week:
Homework: Reading Log & Reading Fluency
FLAT PEOPLE UPDATE: Parents please encourage your child’s Flat Person host to continue to send mail, especially pictures and postcards. (These will be needed for the second part of this activity). We will be sending a letter at the end of this month asking flat second graders to return to our class.
FREE DRESS: We will have an opportunity for appropriate free dress this week on Wednesday for $1.00 for Holy Childhood Association.
******STUDENT OF THE WEEK…Sebastian******
RELIGION: We discussed that Jesus loves us eve when we make mistakes. We will continue learning how Jesus forgives us. We will review the story of Zacchaeus. We will end our week by learning about how the Sacrament of Reconciliation is Jesus’ gift for peace and spiritual growth.
A copy of the Act of Contrition has been sent home so your child can begin memorizing this prayer. You may also click here for an extra copy if needed.
LANGUAGE ARTS: dictionary work; ABC order; vocabulary development; word families; decoding; creative writing.
Reading: We will be beginning our new Theme 4. The theme is about Amazing Animals. We will begin the unit by reading Officer Buckle & Gloria. Our strategy focus will be to monitor and clarify. Monitor/Clarify means stopping now and then to make sure you understand what you have already read.
We will continue our read aloud ,Boxcar Children. We will read chapter 9 & 10 this week.
Spelling/Phonics: Unit 17 will be spelling words that have homophones. Please use spellingcity.com to help prepare your child for the spelling test for Thursday. The children have shared all the great study skills they have been doing to prepare for their spelling test such as index cards, writing spelling words, spelling them on the way to school and spelling city. We will continue focusing on –ture & -tion ending and r-controlled vowels, ar, or and ore.
MATH: We will continue working on addition with regrouping (59+15). We will be adding with three numbers. The children have been enthusiastically learning how to add with regrouping and have been challenged in class to do so in the hundreds place (some have done thousands place). We continue to make progress in addition. We will be taking our chapter test next week on Wednesday. Shapes have been another topic during our math lessons. We have discussed many shapes (2-D and 3-D shapes) such as pentagon, octagon, circle, triangle, rectangular prism and square pyramid.
SCIENCE: Force & Motion…We will be discussing how machines & tools can be used to move objects.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Martin Luther King, Jr., and continue reviewing the continent of North America
If you have any questions, please send and email to secondgrade@sacredheartschoolventura.org
Mrs. Vazquez